It's kind of sad that my last post was two months ago. Is it official that I suck at blogging?
I haven't read a lot of books in the past three months. I have been struggling with a lot of things in the real world, and it had overwhelmed my enthusiasm for books. It's only recently that I started reading again. Two months is a lot of time to go without books! Man, I think that was the worst two months ever. Hopefully, though, I'll be back in business (i.e. reading) in the coming weeks. My TBR list has piled higher than my height, but my budget has dropped lower than my knee.
I have thought of shutting down this blog for good, but then I realized I wouldn't have a place to fangirl when I recover my bookish enthusiasm. So I am just going to keep writing here, even if it's not daily or weekly or even monthly. I have decided that I am going to keep my reviews in Goodreads and come up with random posts for this blog when I need to vent about bookish things. I might be gone for months, but this blog will stay waiting for me when inspiration strikes.
I've also stopped buying new books because, well, it's hard to adult. Books had to give way to other priorities. Wish me luck on finding a bookish friend to lend me books. :)
If you stumbled on this blog post, thank you for reading!
~ Zee
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